[00:01] Welcome to the final onboarding video! With this last piece of the puzzle, you’ll be ready to conquer any project with ease using Audienti. Let’s jump right in.

[00:08] Let’s say you want to build some targets for an engagement campaign. How can you do that in Audienti. There’s two ways lists and segments.

[01:35] Now you can create hyper personalized targeting and you can do it automatically. You can set it up once and it’s watching for you. 24/7/365 and yet straightforward to use.

[01:48] You’re done. You’re now ready to start using Audienti. It’s our mission to make you an engagement superhero. Remember, there’s helpful tools and guides available to you in the app by clicking the info icon and we’re always here to help if you need anything. We’re excited to see what you do using Audienti.